
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 13 - Best Nintendo 64 Game

Best N64 game? This one is hard...

There are so many good ones, but for me, I have to go with Mario Kart 64.

There are some stiff competition for best N64 game (i.e. GoldenEye, Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Snap), but the addictive and fun multiplayer of Mario Kart make it top everything else, IMO.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 12 - Favourite Action Game

Favourite action game? There have been so many, how can I choose?

I'm gonna go with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, before the CoD franchise sold out and remade the same game over and over, just adding a new title to it.

The game was fantastic, with a single player campaign that was fun and entertaining, and challenging (the Sniper level was awesome, and how many times I tried the Airplane level on Legendary to get that achievement! It had to be over 250+ times, haha), and multiplayer that you had to experience. Believe it or not, this was the first Call of Duty game I ever played, and, having played the others in the franchise, nothing can rival this game, at least not yet the way they're publishing CoD games.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 11 - Best PC Game

Hmmm.... best PC game?

Haven't really been a fan of PC games since playing NHL 97 on MS Dos back in the day. But have recently got back into them, and I gotta say that Team Fortress 2 takes the cake for me.

All the classes you play as are really fun and collecting stuff is just a really fun experience. And of course, listening to crazy people talk online is really funny, haha.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 10 - Best Xbox Game

Best Xbox game? I'm gonna say two, as they are completely different but they both come to mind with the original Xbox for me.

Halo: Combat Evolved and MVP Baseball 2005. They couldn't be more different, but two of the best games on the Xbox.

Halo is just a great game that re-invigorated the FPS genre with a great story and cool hero. I'm still scared during the Guilty Spark part... haha.
MVP Baseball 2005 is known as the greatest baseball game ever created. It did so much at the time, while baseball games today are just doing what it did 5-6 years ago now. Being a big sports games fan, its one of the best I have ever played.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 09 - Best Playstation 2 Game

Hmmm... best PS2 game? Never actually owned one, so I am already at a disadvantage... haha

But I know what I'm gonna go with, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

To me, it is still the best GTA game. Took what GTA 3 had and brought the series to a new level.

Day 08 - The Games I Am Currently Playing

The games I am currently playing? There are multiple so I list what I am currently playing on each system.

Xbox 360
Batman: Arkham Asylum (about the 5th playthrough, haha... It's just sooo good!)
Fallout: New Vegas

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2nd playthough)
Little Big Planet

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Paper Mario (N64)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 07 - Best Playstation Game

Best PS1 game? Difficult choice, but I can think of the best...

Official cover art for Metal Gear Solid for the North American PlayStation

Good old Metal Gear Solid just revolutionized the stealth genre of videogames, creating an unparalleled and creative story and innovative gameplay.

File:MGS screen psx.jpg

I remember taking turns playing this game with my brother when I was younger, remembering how hard the first opening scene was. Looking back, it was so easy but at the time it was one of the most difficult games I had ever played. Snake?.... Snake???.... SNAKE!!??? hahaha

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 06 - A Game From Your Childhood

A game from my childhood? Ahh, there are sooo many! I'm gonna cheat and do two games.

Genesis Games - NBA Jam Genesis Genesis Games - Olympic Gold Barcelona 92 Genesis

I'm gonna go with NBA Jam and Olympic Gold, both on the Sega Genesis.

NBA Jam GEN Screenshot 4 Olympic Gold Genesis Screenshot 2

I have soo many childhood memories of countless battles between my brother and I in these two games, haha. There is no beating my brother in the 100 m sprint in Olympic Gold, he owns the world record, haha, but I put up a fight in NBA Jam. HE'S ON FIRE!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 05 - Best Mega Drive/Genesis Game

Best Sega Genesis game?

There are a lot of good ones, but Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is, in my opinion, the best for the Genesis.

No saves, later levels are hard as hell, and just a classic character on an epic adventure. Its Sonic, need I say more?

BTW, whenever I walk into a casino, I expect this music to be playing, haha.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 04 - Favourite Adventure Game

Favourite adventure game? Hmmmm....

Spyro-year of the dragon.png

Gonna have to go with Spyro: Year of the Dragon for the Playstation, the best of the 'Spyro the Dragon' franchise, and final Spyro game made by developer Insomniac.

This little purple dragon brings back fond memories for me and countless hours spent into trying to find all those dragon eggs, some of which are ridiculously hard to get (I'm looking at you, Turtle Chef!!) A great game, too bad that Insomniac stopped making Spyro games...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 03 - Best Super Nintendo Game

Best Super Nintendo Game? This one is really easy...

Donkey Kong Country!

IMO, the best graphics on the SNES, one of the greatest characters of all time and one of the most challenging and fun games that I have ever played.

- - - Side Note:
Wasn't having the greatest of days and when I get home, this guy is sitting on my desk. One of the most unsuspected gifts of my life! Turned my day around! =D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 02 - Favourite Fighting Game

My favourite fighting game?

Mortal Kombat (1993) Box Art

I can't go against Mortal Kombat for the Sega Genesis.


Was never really a fan of the Street Fighter series, but the Dead or Alive series is up there as one of my favs.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 01 - First Game You Finished

Ahh, the first game I finished...

That would be "Wonder Boy in Monster Land" for the Sega Master System.

Classic game, gets really hard towards the end. You really need all your hearts to survive. Always on the playlist whenever I break out the Master System, haha.

Challenge Accepted.

The 30 Day Video Game Challenge
Day 01 - First game you finished.

Day 02 - Favorite fighting game.

Day 03 - Best Super Nintendo game.

Day 04 - Favorite adventure game.

Day 05 - Best Mega Drive/Genesis game.

Day 06 - A game of your childhood.

Day 07 - Best Playstation 1 game.

Day 08 - The game that you are currently playing.

Day 09 - Best Playstation 2 game.

Day 10 - Best Xbox game.

Day 11 - Best PC game.

Day 12 - Favorite action game.

Day 13 - Best Nintendo 64 game.

Day 14 - An addictive game.

Day 15 - Best Xbox 360 game.

Day 16 - Favorite super heroes game.

Day 17 - Best GameBoy game.

Day 18 - Best Wii game.

Day 19 - A game that you never finished.

Day 20 - A game you’ve played countless times.

Day 21 - A favorite character.

Day 22 - Last game you bought.

Day 23 - Last game you downloaded.

Day 24 - First game you ever played.

Day 25 - Best Playstation 3 game.

Day 26 - Favorite multiplayer game.

Day 27 - Favorite game-based on movie/comic-book/book/cartoon

Day 28 - Boss or villain most evil.

Day 29 - Worst game of all time.

Day 30 - Best game of all time.