
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Quick observation...

This is just a quick little observation/rant on Brock's course selection...

IASC's course calendar suggests taking courses for the concentration in game development that seem to be absent from this year's course timetable. How am I suppose to take these courses such as 2P89 or 2P25 that they say I have to take for the concentration if they're not even available to be taken? It just doesn't make any sense... to me, at least.

***UPDATE*** July 12 @1 pm
Just got an email update from Brock, saying that if the courses are not on the timetable then they are not being offered for this session. It is pretty ridiculous that IASC has 2P89 as part of the game development concentration and it is not even available to be taken, in the year I WOULD need to take it.


  1. i think i have already expressed this many times but I AM SO FRUSTRATED! also, WHY IS EVERYTHING ON TUESDAY? someone hates us!

  2. Kev,

    2P89 and 2P95 (there is no 2P25 in the concentration listing) are both cross-listed courses and may be found either as APCO or VISA.

  3. But neither of those courses exist on the timetable for IASC, APCO or VISA. Even if they did, if they were cross-listed, shouldn't they have been listed on the IASC timetable? Like Kristin said, it really is frustrating.

  4. I looked in APCO, VISA, IASC, and COSC, the courses don't exist anywhere! 2P25 is one of the "choose one credit from this list" courses and I even checked HIST for it. I'm also not finding the contact info for our academic advisor anywhere

  5. Just got an email update from Brock, saying that if the courses are not on the timetable then they are not being offered for this session. It is pretty ridiculous that IASC has 2P89 as part of the game development concentration and it is not even available to be taken, in the year I WOULD need to take it.

  6. Hey team!

    I emailed another adviser to get our adviser's email. Adam Durrant:
    I find it quite amusing that you can find the word rant in his last name.

    I hope this helps.

  7. this is dumb. i hope they offer them next year, i guess i'll be knocking those easy apco classes out of the way instead

    and thanks for the advisors email, i'll definitely be contacting him

  8. Maybe this whole course thing is just a way for them to fuck with our minds. See if they can get us to snap.
