
Monday, February 8, 2010

12-year-old Arrested for Doodling

Hey, today's turned around!

To lighten the mood, I'd thought I'd post this ridiculous news story.

So, apparently, you can be arrested for drawing on a school desk. That's what happened to this 12-year-old girl in New York City when she was arrested in her school for doodling on her desk.

Read the story here.

Aren't there more important crimes that writing on a school desk? I mean, when I got in trouble for writing on a school desk, the punishment was to clean all of desks in the classroom, not get handcuffed, arrested, taken downtown and sentenced to community service.

I guess things have changed since I was in elementary school.

On another note, its stories like this that make me feel older than I really am. I mean, I look back on the '90s like it was yesterday... I was thinking about when I got my dog back in 2004, and that was 6 years ago... and it doesn't feel like its been 6 years. Where the hell did time go?

"And it's hard to hold a candle, in the cold November rain."

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