
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thoughts on School and 2008: The Year That Wasn't

I'm sitting here, supposed to be studying for my Tourism exam and I thought, "what the hell, lets do a blog post!"... So here I am.

To tell you the truth, I'm actually going to miss school. These last 8 months seem to have flown by and I'm actually going to miss my classes. I can't believe I am saying that about school. All my life, it was me saying "Oh, I can't wait for school to be done" or "I hate high school, I'm glad its over with". Truth was, I did hate high school. I wasn't part of the "in" crowd and I wasn't apart of the "out" crowd, if you will. I was stuck in between. I had a lot of acquaintances, but I didn't have any true friends, and I kind of felt alone in that packed Pickering High School. (Please god, don't let anyone from PHS read this blog, lol.) It seemed even lonelier when I was out of school, my period in between high school and university; that one year of where I was accepted into Brock University's Interactive Arts and Science program for 2008, and then all hell in my life broke loose. I won't go into specifics as some parts are really personal, but I ended up dropping University, and decided to work for the year and deal with some personal issues, and try again at Brock for 2009.

And boy, am I glad I waited that year! I'm not a religious person, but it was like God planned it out for me, trying to rescue me from the hell that 2008 brought me and my family. The people that I have met and the friends I have made actually mean a lot to me and have made my first year in university fantastic and unforgettable. I better stop, 'cause I think I'm sounding a little feminine by talking about my feelings so much, haha.

But getting back onto school, I have never felt that way about school before; that I am actually going to miss it (except for exams, obviously). The time away from school that I experienced after high school made me realize how much I actually missed school in my life. This year at Brock has made me feel like I have actually discovered a piece of me that has been dying to be revealed almost my whole life, thats been hidden away from the world. And DAMN, that is a good thing!

Just thought I'd get that off my chest.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Signed, sealed and delivered...

Lease got signed today. Happy about that.

Movin' day is not far off... like really not far off.

No time for blogs though, its study time.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life means life, right?

This is completely out of left field, but what the hell...

Our justice system, meaning Canada's, is a flat-out joke. We offer everything to make sure offenders/criminals get off as light as possible. Look at it right now. The time just waiting for a trial is apart of the sentence given to them. Meaning, if someone got sentenced 2 years in prison, and it took 2 years for their trial to commence, their fucking already out for that time served. We are WAY too light on offenders. Life in Canada means 10 years, with parole basically. Look at the States; look at their legal system. Life over there means life, no parole. Not to mention that our "crown" attorneys look like jackasses. Look at this guy... all he's missing is the fake white wig that they wore in the 1800's and he's all set. It's the same thing with the RCMP and the stupid mountie uniform... but that's an argument for another day.

Canada is so light on their sentencing that its basically just a slap on the wrist, saying "Please don't do that again." I mean, look at all the fucking pedophiles that keep getting set free in Canada. Its almost encouraging people to commit crimes in Canada because our legal system is so light and passive. It's a joke. And it's been a joke for a long fucking time.

C'mon, life means life, doesn't it? Or am I way off base here? 'Cause I don't think I am.

I apologize if I offended anyone with my offensive languange. It's there out of anger, I'm sorry.

I have a blog?

Who knew?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bottle Update

There are 8 bottles remaining, so respond if you want one.

I have opened the box, and learned that the sent me 3 of 4 different kinds:
- Exposed - the original and "most popular" flavour
- Allure - the shitty Mangosteen flavour I tried and told you about
- Awaken - some sort of Aloe and Wheatgrass combination
- Enliven - Aloe and 12 Fruits and Vegetables

I've going to try one of the Enliven ones, as I hope that is the one with the most flavour (as it has fruits in it), and the best chance of being any good. So for those who have actually read my blog and commented, you get to have your pick of flavours, as I didn't know they were sending me a mix of kinds.

Those that haven't commented can still get a bottle as I'll bring them in on Monday into 1F00.