
Sunday, February 27, 2011

March Challenge Accepted.

I have discovered a new challenge for the month of March. I was thinking of a photo challenge (in which I take one photo a day and post it), but I'm not feeling it for this month (maybe April?)
This one is appealing to the music in me, and a little more personal than the video games one, lol.

Thirty-One Songs in Thirty-One Days Challenge
Day 1: A song from your childhood.
Day 2: A song that reminds you of your most recent ex.
Day 3: A song that reminds you of one/both of your parents.
Day 4: A song that calms you down.
Day 5: A song that is often/currently stuck in your head.
Day 6: A song that reminds you of a close friend.
Day 7: A song that reminds you of a past summer.
Day 8: A song that reminds you of your "first love".
Day 9: A song that makes you hopeful.
Day 10: A song by your favourite band.
Day 11: A song on the soundtrack of your favourite movie.
Day 12: The last song you heard.
Day 13: A song that reminds you of a former friend.
Day 14: A song you love singing along to.
Day 15: A song you sing when you're drunk.
Day 16: A song that has made you cry.
Day 17: A song that makes you want to dance.
Day 18: A song that you love but rarely listen to.
Day 19: The first song alphabetically in your MP3 player.
Day 20: The last song alphabetically in your MP3 player.
Day 21: Your favourite song.
Day 22: A song that someone has sung to you.
Day 23: A song that you cannot stand to listen to.
Day 24: A song you could listen to all day without getting tired of.
Day 25: A song that describes your current mood.
Day 26: A song that has your favourite lyrics.
Day 27: A song from your favourite album.
Day 28: Your favourite instrumental song.
Day 29: A song people would be surprised to see in your music collection.
Day 30: The most played song on your MP3 player.
Day 31: Your favourite cover song.

Once again,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 30 - Best Game of All Time!

Aww, the final day... don't worry, I might just find a new challenge for next month...

On to the best game of all time!... or at least, my pick for best game of all time...

and I'm going with GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo 64!

This game was a core piece of my childhood videogaming experience. I remember going to friends' houses to play this game (because I never actually owned a N64) and playing it for hours till it was time to leave, haha. The universal rule: no one gets to be Oddjob; that height difference is not fair. This game is the godfather of multiplayer gaming.

Just having recently played the game again for the first time in years, I realized how bad I have gotten at this game. I didn't remember where the guns were, forgot that you actually open doors and butchered the aiming.
I love this game; I just have to play it more often, haha.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 29 - The Worst Game of All Time

The worst game of all time!? Yesterday, my answer would have been completely different but having encountered this game today, I know what my answer will be...

Deadly Premonition for the Xbox 360.

God, you could not pay me to see anymore of the game.
Controls are COMPLETELY off, in which when you try to turn your car to the left or right, you can only do so in such a tiny increment, that makes it impossible to drive without crashing.
The cutscenes as well as the voice acting are god awful, the voices don't sync with the mouths of the characters, some characters don't even have voices and are just beeps when they talk.
Not to mention that goals are lined up to only be done at certain times of the day, like between 3 -5 for example. In order to pass time, you can smoke a cigarette (which consequently varies at how long each cigarette lasts... in watching this game, it went as short as 4 minutes, and as long as 8 hours). And it feels as though the game is in real time, or perhaps even slower than real time.
Not to mention the awful music that goes louder than the characters speaking in cutscenes; the main character is a schizophrenic, putting his hand up to his head and talks out loud to his other personality, while other characters act like they don't hear talking. And if I see the main character tapping his STUPID TIE ONE MORE TIME DURING A CONVERSATION CUTSCENE, I WILL SCREAM.
Just watch a video on YouTube of this game. Just freaking awful, and utterly boring. The game actually glitched that you walk into a diner, but can't go out the front door. After repeatedly trying, the game eventually froze. For this game, that sounds about right, haha.

My recommendation: don't even touch this game with a stick.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 28 - Most Evil Boss or Villain

Most evil boss or villain?

3 way tie, in my opinion...

Dr. Robotnik (from Sonic the Hedgehog), Bowser (from Super Mario Bros), and Psycho Mantis (from Metal Gear Solid)

Robotnik, to me (growing up on Sonic) was an all around bad guy that kept ruining Sonic's adventure and had to pay. And pay he did!

Bowser just keeps kidnapping Princess Peach, and only wants her to like him. =|
He wreaks havoc on the Mushroom Kingdom, and Mario always needs to put him in his place.

Psycho Mantis, to this day, still freaks the bejesus out of me. Playing this game when I was 8 years old, he haunted my dreams for a while. The BDSM clothing and gas mask freaked me out. Not to mention he reads your mind. 'Nuff said.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 27 - Favorite Game Based On A Movie/Comic Book/Book/Cartoon

Favorite game based on a movie/comic-book/book/cartoon? Umm,,,

Based on a movie?
Power Rangers: The Movie [GameGear]
If only I hadn't sold my GameGear! The Power Ranger games were awesome!

Based on a comic book?
Batman: Arkham Asylum [Xbox 360]
'Nuff said.

Based on a book?
I don't have one, haha. Not surprising.

Based on a cartoon?
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants [GameGear]
I remember this game being really hard, haha.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 26 - Favourite Multiplayer Game

My favourite multiplayer game? There are a lot...

There are tons (GoldenEye, Reach, CTR, CoD4, etc.) but my favourite is still Mario Kart 64.

I've already talked about it on here so I won't say much else about it. It is just so entertaining, fun, and frustrating, lol.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 25 - Best Playstation 3 Game

Best PS3 game?

For me, its a tie between Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Little Big Planet.

Two completely different games but both are fun. MGS4 is more like a movie (a very LONG movie, lol), but is a very interesting game and challenging, and it concludes the Metal Gear Solid franchise very fittingly, I believe. Almost the complete opposite type of game is Little Big Planet. This cute game has become one of my favourites and the crazy amount of customization put into it makes it very appealing to keep playing. As long as there is no crazy guy rubbing up against you and asking you questions about it while you are playing.... (inside joke, I know some people will get it, lol.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 24 - First Game You Ever Played

First game I ever played?

Oh dear. If I remember correctly, the first game I played was Casino Games for the Sega Master System, with my grandparents. lol

What a great game for a very young kid to play, right? Let him learn how to gamble like a crazy person at a casino, lol. From what I remember, it was pretty fun. You had different options; you could play poker, blackjack, pinball, slots and baccarat (which I still don't get and avoided when I played the game). I didn't own this game; I played this game at my grandparents, and aside from Great Golf, this was the only other game they owned. Since they went to the casino pretty much every week, it made sense for them to have this game. Looking back, I'm amazed they actually owned a video game console! They didn't even know how to operate a CD player. haha.
Even though both my grandparents have passed recently, I'll always look back on the moments playing this game with them and smile. =)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 23 - Last Game You Downloaded

Last game I downloaded?

Umm, not entirely sure, but I believe it was The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, an Xbox original.

Not a terrible game, but not the great either... I would definitely class it mediocre. I bought this game on Xbox Live a couple of years ago, played it, and just downloaded it again recently. It definitely was not what I was expecting when I bought it, with Elijah Wood as Spyro and David Space as Sparx... it kind of ruined the legacy of this series. Spyro definitely did not survive the jump to next-gen consoles. =(

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 22 - Last Game You Bought

Last game I bought?

Lego Batman! + Pure (which just came with it)

So far, the game has been fun. What I would expect from the Lego game franchise but all the more better because its Batman! The only drawback is that it has that little piss-ass Robin. Other than that, solid game.

Btw, Pure came with it as well. Not really my thing, but fun from what I have played. Bonus game for free is still good. At least it is better than Kung Fu Panda!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 21 - A Favourite Character

A favourite character? There are so many.... how can I choose?

I can't say no to Donkey Kong. From the original Donkey Kong, through the Donkey Kong Country series, Donkey Kong 64 and Mario Kart, to modern day Donkey Kong Country Returns, he is just such a iconic game figure and one of my favourites.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 20 - A Game You Have Played Countless Times

A game I have played countless times?

That would be Super Mario Bros 3!

I freakin' love this game. One of my all time favs and I have played this one soo much, I can't even count the number of times I've played it. MARIO FTW!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 19 - A Game You Have Never Finished

A game I haven't finished? There are lots, sadly...

But one that I have never finished is Sonic the Hedgehog.

And I probably never will, sadly. To completely finish this game, you have to sit down for a long time and play this game continually, due to not being able to save your game. Not being able to save your game really limits how far you can get, because most of the time, I don't have all day to sit and play this game. It's the sad truth, because I would love to complete Sonic. I usually just get to the Labyrinth Zone, and then I realize how long I've been playing and stop playing. Shame.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 18 - Best Wii Game

Best Wii Game?

Donkey Kong Country Returns!

Bringing back this classic from the SNES reminds me of my childhood and how difficult some of the levels really were. As Donkey Kong is one of my favourite characters, I was really looking forward to this game and it definitely delivered! Thanks Nintendo from bringing this back!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 17 - Best Gameboy Game

Best GameBoy game?

Pokemon FireRed!

Taking the original Pokemon Red and updating it with better graphics as well as adding in some extra stuff at the end of the game is great. Pokemon FTW!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 16 - Favourite SuperHero Game

Favourite superhero game? This one is easy, although it may not be come next September...

Batman: Arkham Asylum is easily my favourite superhero video game.

It captures Batman's character perfectly, as well as each villain, especially the Joker. The insane asylum and eerie feeling the game gives off create this perfect dark atmosphere that makes you feel like you really are the Batman. They finally got a Batman video game right.
Come September 2011, hopefully Batman: Arkham City lives up to its predecessor and becomes my new favourite superhero videogame. That game can't come fast enough.

Day 15 - Best Xbox 360 Game

Best Xbox 360 game? There are soooo many games, it is so hard to choose.

I'm gonna go with Halo Reach.

The game is really hard, which is a good thing; they revamped the multiplayer, making it a lot better than Halo 3; and the game just looks really pretty. And it wraps up the Halo series pretty well.

Day 14 - An Addictive Game

An addictive game, you say?

I'll get back to you on that, haha.