
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Facebook problems...

Recently I've been told that I am very hard to find on Facebook. They seem to make me invisible to people trying to add me as a friend. I've looked into the matter and I now appear to be back on the list when you search my name.

So if you want to add me on Facebook, search "Kev Greene" and you'll see a picture of me and my dog (I know that's bad grammar but 'my dog and I' just doesn't sound right to me in this context). I'm not listed as "Kevin", 'cause I prefer to be called Kev. Don't ask me why.

I don't even know why I'm writing about this, as I barely use Facebook.

"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - Axl Rose

Friday, January 29, 2010

GNR at the ACC!

This show was sooooo fuckin' good. Sounded soo much better than the Hamilton show and was almost sold out. Place was packed, especially on the floor. It was so tight, that I almost got my eyes poked out by a guy with a punk mohawk. Got pretty rough at the beginning of the set when everyone surged forward towards the stage and the 2 guys fighting right beside me got pretty intense. Got pretty close to the stage, only 2 back of the rail.

Only drawback was having to wait til 11:25pm for GN'R to take the stage, especially since I got there at 8pm. By the end at 2am, my legs and back were killing me and I wasn't looking forward to the 2 hour drive back to Niagara Falls. Finally got back home at 4am but the show was definitely worth the wait.

I don't know what happened but the guy right in front of me just collapsed and passed out. It looked like he was pretty out of it, so we picked him up and carried him to rail and security took him out. Guess he couldn't hold his liquor.

Security were being dicks an threatened to take my phone even when I just used it to check the time. Got some pics and videos before that, but I can't find my USB cable for my phone so I can't upload them yet. Miraculously, my videos from the Hamilton show seemed to have come back from the dead!

I was pissed at the end of the show 'cause Axl threw a bunch of roses in the crowd. I actually caught one and then some asshole ripped the rose in half from my hand and took the top half. Whatever.

Anyways, fucking great show. Band was fantastic. I'm running out of synonyms...

Still freaking tired. I'm good for nothing today...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No time to blog today...

No time to blog.
GN'R show tonight at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kid stabs his father over PS3 game...

What is with the world nowadays???

That's the thought that runs through my head while reading this article on an 16-year-old Italian teenager who stabbed his father in the neck with a kitchen knife after an argument over a game of FIFA Soccer 2009 on the PlayStation.

I know they take soccer serious over there, but jeez! Isn't that going a little too far?

I am a big fan of irony (Seinfeld is the king of irony), and this story doesn't disappoint. The irony being this last sentence of the article:

"Mario is obsessed. He's forever playing on his PlayStation, and we bought him FIFA 2009 because we didn't want him playing violent games."

This is why I don't own a PlayStation...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blogs discuss relevant topics? WHAT?!1

I can't believe people are actually reading this thing. I'm not actually posting about relevant topics... but whatever, publicity is publicity.

So, in a way to get me to post about something relevant, I'm taking requests.

If anyone has any ideas about what they would like to see me talk about/share my thoughts on, please indulge me and comment on this post. Any topic is fair game, I'm open to anything.

But don't go all "Discuss the ethics of business and how they pertain to today's economy" like from Billy Madison... 'cause I just won't even begin to read shit like that... that is if any actually participates/comments.

So be a trooper and help me out.


GN'R @ the Copps Coliseum...

I'm not going to go into great detail but it was easily one of the best nights of my life...

Guns was on fire the whole night, the production of the show was mind-blowing and Axl can still whail. From 10:30pm to 1am, Copps was freakin' rockin'!

I had videos and pics but my STUPID phone didn't save them properly. Oh well. There's still Toronto on Thursday!

Click here for a vid of the opening song, Chinese Democracy (I'm up at the front on the left side of the center platform)

On a side note, Hamilton, you smell fuckin' awful. Really. It's brutal. I knew it was bad from when I was there last, but it has really raised it funk level.

Bring on Toronto at the ACC!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

No thoughts right now...

This kinda feels like Twitter, only without the feeling of self-importance.

My head is geared towards tomorrow's Guns N' Roses show in Hamilton at the Copps Coliseum, so no "Who am I in this great world" thoughts tonight.

So, instead of thoughts, I'll just post a funny picture. That sounds like a suitable replacement.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guy dies watching "Avatar"

Okay, so some man in Taiwan died after watching James Cameron's "Avatar". Apparently, he was "over-excited" about the film and stroked out after watching it.

Really?! If you're this excited about a movie, I can only imagine what winning the lottery would be like for that guy.

Here's a link to the story.

Guess the 3D was too much for him.

Note: If you're offended by what I'm saying, then please ignore my blog. This is my POV, deal with it.

Creation of blog...

Due to me not thinking about the world and my place in it, I have taken Barry Joe's advice and created a blog.

Yeah. I'm actually going to do it.

This blog will have my thoughts on different topics to get me thinking about the world. Everything that is said here is in my opinion, so deal with it.

Apparently, having a blog is cool... so I'll have the Fonz bless my blog, as they don't get much cooler than Fonzie.
