
Monday, January 25, 2010

GN'R @ the Copps Coliseum...

I'm not going to go into great detail but it was easily one of the best nights of my life...

Guns was on fire the whole night, the production of the show was mind-blowing and Axl can still whail. From 10:30pm to 1am, Copps was freakin' rockin'!

I had videos and pics but my STUPID phone didn't save them properly. Oh well. There's still Toronto on Thursday!

Click here for a vid of the opening song, Chinese Democracy (I'm up at the front on the left side of the center platform)

On a side note, Hamilton, you smell fuckin' awful. Really. It's brutal. I knew it was bad from when I was there last, but it has really raised it funk level.

Bring on Toronto at the ACC!

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