
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kid stabs his father over PS3 game...

What is with the world nowadays???

That's the thought that runs through my head while reading this article on an 16-year-old Italian teenager who stabbed his father in the neck with a kitchen knife after an argument over a game of FIFA Soccer 2009 on the PlayStation.

I know they take soccer serious over there, but jeez! Isn't that going a little too far?

I am a big fan of irony (Seinfeld is the king of irony), and this story doesn't disappoint. The irony being this last sentence of the article:

"Mario is obsessed. He's forever playing on his PlayStation, and we bought him FIFA 2009 because we didn't want him playing violent games."

This is why I don't own a PlayStation...

1 comment:

  1. Its also ironic that the kid is called "Mario"
