
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bottles have arrived...

The ALO bottles have arrived at my house. The shocking thing is, they sent me a huge package of 12 BOTTLES!!!!

I was only expecting like a pack of 2 or something. IT REALLY PAYS TO COMPLAIN. ahhaha


Not going home til Easter, so I'll bring 'em in next Monday. I'm gonna try one and see if it was better than the other one, and I am fairly certain its still gonna taste like crap (at least to me).

Whoever wants one, reply to this post so you can be guaranteed one of the 11 remaining bottles. You gotta leave your name though, none of this anonymous crap, if you want to try the free crappy drink. Reminder: this is not the kind I tried before... this is the ALO Exposed - their original and "most popular" drink.

Hurry before there gone!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm sorry, that title is not at all relevant... anyways, right now I'm just too mello to get angry and rant. haha
So, I'll just leave you with this:

I always wanted to make a Mentos commercial. Do you know how awesome that would be?

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hey, just a quick update on some stuff goin' down right now...
- My mom is doing great, comes home tomorrow (I guess today, it is 1:28am right now, haha), and I get to see her, which is good news
- Essay is finally finished after my printer fiasco, that had me really stressed about. Thank god, 'cause I'm absolutely fed up with it.
- I guess thats all for now... I thought there was more... huh.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shouldn't I be writing an essay?! haha

Just so you know, Barry, I didn't make this photo. Found it here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Just for those who have been asking, my Mom's surgery went well. She's still a little out of it but thats just from coming out of the surgery. I have talked to her, and she sounded great, and was even making jokes. She said she would be there for only a couple more days, which is good news.

Thanks to all who gave their support. My family and I appreciate it.


It doesn't get any sadder than this...

"Would you pay a beautiful girl to play Halo with you?"... That's the opening sentence of this article on IGN that details a new service being launched called 'GameCrush', that let's you pay $8.25 to play one game session with an attractive girl. You can actually browse through these girls' profiles and chat with them. Guys are called "Players" and the girls are called "PlayDates", and these "PlayDates" can set their gaming mood to "flirty" or "dirty"...

They said they modelled the price after what it costs to buy a girl a drink at a bar... unbelievable.
This is pathetic. Its turning women into sex objects, to be leered at... how sad can this get? Am I the only one here that finds this degrading, objectionable and shallow? Don't girls already play on Xbox LIVE? What about them? Is this only for the "beautiful" women? This is like a glorified phone sex service, without the phone sex. haha...

This is, by far, the stupidest idea I have ever heard for video game consoles.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Just a quick post...

Even though she doesn't read this blog, let alone even access the internet, this is just a quick post to wish my Mom all the best with her knee surgery tomorrow. I wish I could be there but if you knew my Mom, she'd be more upset that I came to see her and missed school. She'll only be there 2 days so I can see her right when she gets out.

On a more personal note, its not even fair how many times my family and I have been to hospitals in the past 2 years... but that road is a little too personal to be discussed on this Blog.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lack of Updates...

Sorry for the lack of updates, just been doing a lot of shit recently, and I will continue to 'til this Friday, due to my Film essay.

One of my next "rants" will be my thoughts on religion and I will try not to offend; it's about halfway done as its hard to put into words what I want to say.

On another note, this blog is NOT about oral fixation... If you actually had read my blog, you would know that. I only did 2 posts (out of how many?, 27?), 1 about a Clarke bar and the other about the ALO drink (from which I have not heard back from on my free bottles).

To increase interactivity, I have thought of putting in a poll on my blog, giving you the choice to pick what my next post would be about. So to do that, I would like some to comment on this post with probable ideas that they would like to see me blog about.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Animal Cruelty

Just so we're clear, these type of posts are more of rants, not so much as blogging, per se. It's me spilling my guts on a certain topic, with no real flow to what I'm saying, with parts written at different times, so everything may seem like it was pieced together.

Also, it has come to my attention that certain individual(s) want to start a "flaming storm" on this blog. Not on my watch...

Getting on with the rant...

When I was around 10, or 11, I had a baseball tournament in Sarnia. At the hotel, there was a pond with some ducks on it. To kill some time, my friends and I went down to the pond, god knows why. Being baseball players, someone suggested to throw rocks at the ducks to see who had the best accuracy. I picked up a rock and through it at one of the ducks. I hit it. And I felt so terrible and disgusted with myself for doing such a thing to a defenseless animal. From that day forward, I have been against animal cruelty or hurting animals.

But the big turning point in my life in regards to animal cruelty came in Grade 12, two years ago. My general science class was talking about habitat loss and mistreatment of animals. My teacher decided to show a film based on the treatment of baby seals and what was happening to them. It was the most barbaric thing I have ever seen in my entire life. These cute, tiny, defenseless animals were getting clubbed and their brains would be splattered all over the snow. These images will never be erased from my mind. My teacher later apologized for showing the movie, after the outrage expressed from us (the students). But that's not something you can forget.

To this day, whenever they show those Humane Society commercials with the dogs and cats in cages and the looks on their faces just kills me on the inside. I can't watch them. I can't. I feel so bad that these animals have been treated badly that I can actually get upset. Just by watching a commercial.

Animal/pet death to me is just so upsetting. Yeah, I cried at the end of Marley and Me. Just because I have gone through this situation and I can relate all too closely.

Now, I'm not one of those PETA guys who goes around heckling people who wear real fur, even though I suppose I should. I mean, if you knew what happened to that animal, you wouldn't wear fur anymore either.

But I guess to illustrate my point, you really have to be a sick human being to do harm to a defenseless animal. Do you not have a conscience? Do you have no sense of moral decency? Sometimes, I cannot understand this world that we live in. Sometimes, it seems so dark and perverse...

That's enough... I'm gonna hop off my soap box now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog posts are coming...

Just so you know, there are actual blog posts coming. I don't just plan on only blogging about ALO drinks and Clarke bars, even if they are both tremendously awful.

Its just that these things take time for me to put into words. One post coming up (SPOILER) has my views on religion and God after I read a very pretentious comment today. I mean, I've never put my views into a written form like this before so it may take some time.

I know you guys don't really care, but I feel I need to get some things out.

P.S., the Shit game is ridiculously hard, I can't get past the 4th level... haha

"If there's a cure for this, I don't want it, I don't want it..."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

ALO Bottles are a go!

ALO drink has once again responded and told me that their representive in Canada is going to send me a couple bottles (!). Don't know how long it is going to take or when it will arrive yet.

Complaining really works.
Try it out sometime.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Serbian Ninja Turtles

Thanks to Simon for turning me on to this.

I want that "BL UE" sweatshirt. That's awesome.
How that cigarette doesn't fall out of his mouth at the beginning is beyond me!
LOL @ 0:32!!!!

Thanks to my friend Pat for this one:

It's funny when he starts laughing out of no where.

ALO Drink Responds...

So my comment to ALO was actually heard. They sent me an email:

Dear Kevin,

Thank you for writing in and for trying ALO Allure. I'm truly sorry that you did not enjoy our drink. ALO Allure is a popular flavor but we of course understand that it might not be to everyone's liking...

They go on to ask me if I live in the continental US so he could ship me a couple of bottles of their "most popular flavor", the "ALO Exposed" (I hope free of charge). I told him I live in Canada and would be in trying his most popular flavour. I am awaiting his reply. He just better not charge me shipping rates...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who puts Aloe in a drink?

I am sitting here waiting for the IASC 1P00's tutorial and after having bought this so-called "exotic" drink called "ALO Allure" which features Mango, Mangosteen and Aloe (?!!).

Don't you put aloe on burns? Isn't aloe in sunscreen?

And here I am sitting thinking, "Ah, yes, I can taste the sunscreen in this drink! That's definitely something that I want to taste when I buy a drink."

I was fooled by the fancy packaging and the "allure" of the bottle.

And yes, I am going to finish this drink. Even if it tastes awful and there are big chunks of something floating around inside the bottle.

Pray for me 'cause this stuff is brutal.

*** UPDATE *** 4:32pm
I felt that I really needed to tell the company how awful the drink really is. So I sent them a comment:
"I just feel the need to tell you how horrible this drink really is. The Allure flavour tastes like sunscreen. I really feel like I deserve my $2 back after drinking this so-called "drink"."

*** UPDATE *** 5:00pm
I couldn't drink it... it was just sooooo awful. How anyone could ever drink this stuff is beyond me.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I am logged in, therefore I am.