
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Animal Cruelty

Just so we're clear, these type of posts are more of rants, not so much as blogging, per se. It's me spilling my guts on a certain topic, with no real flow to what I'm saying, with parts written at different times, so everything may seem like it was pieced together.

Also, it has come to my attention that certain individual(s) want to start a "flaming storm" on this blog. Not on my watch...

Getting on with the rant...

When I was around 10, or 11, I had a baseball tournament in Sarnia. At the hotel, there was a pond with some ducks on it. To kill some time, my friends and I went down to the pond, god knows why. Being baseball players, someone suggested to throw rocks at the ducks to see who had the best accuracy. I picked up a rock and through it at one of the ducks. I hit it. And I felt so terrible and disgusted with myself for doing such a thing to a defenseless animal. From that day forward, I have been against animal cruelty or hurting animals.

But the big turning point in my life in regards to animal cruelty came in Grade 12, two years ago. My general science class was talking about habitat loss and mistreatment of animals. My teacher decided to show a film based on the treatment of baby seals and what was happening to them. It was the most barbaric thing I have ever seen in my entire life. These cute, tiny, defenseless animals were getting clubbed and their brains would be splattered all over the snow. These images will never be erased from my mind. My teacher later apologized for showing the movie, after the outrage expressed from us (the students). But that's not something you can forget.

To this day, whenever they show those Humane Society commercials with the dogs and cats in cages and the looks on their faces just kills me on the inside. I can't watch them. I can't. I feel so bad that these animals have been treated badly that I can actually get upset. Just by watching a commercial.

Animal/pet death to me is just so upsetting. Yeah, I cried at the end of Marley and Me. Just because I have gone through this situation and I can relate all too closely.

Now, I'm not one of those PETA guys who goes around heckling people who wear real fur, even though I suppose I should. I mean, if you knew what happened to that animal, you wouldn't wear fur anymore either.

But I guess to illustrate my point, you really have to be a sick human being to do harm to a defenseless animal. Do you not have a conscience? Do you have no sense of moral decency? Sometimes, I cannot understand this world that we live in. Sometimes, it seems so dark and perverse...

That's enough... I'm gonna hop off my soap box now.


  1. Wow. That's a really deep post and I agree fully with it. There are just some things in this world that are wrong, and for some of them there is nothing we can do about it. It is tragic, and very sad, but it's good to know that there are people like you who still care in this dark and twisted society.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, I can really relate to this. I mean, humane societies, the OSPCA...they turn me into a total wuss. I just can't stand to see animals suffer, especially at the hands of cruel, horrible people.

    At the same time, though, it makes me wonder why we as people generally can't stand the thought of our adorable pets being harmed, but the idea of confining, killing, and eating other animals is okay. Food for thought, so to speak.
