
Friday, December 17, 2010

My Thoughts On... Medicine & Technology

Alright, this will probably be the last blog post til Christmas, because of exams and other stuff.

Just a few notes before I continue with 'My Thoughts On...":
- I've already got one New Years resolution, and that is to post on this blog more, haha. I realize I have kinda dropped the ball on posting recently (like since September? haha). Most of the time, I just forgot that it even existed. But its not like anyone actually reads this thing anymore anyways....
- This is my favourite time of year, Christmas time... and its only 8 more days to the big day. I've tried to keep in the mood with Christmas movies every night of the week, although exams are hampering on this tradition. But Christmas just puts me in another mood, a happier frame of mind, and makes me thoughtful for what I have been given and optimistic for what is to come. I can't help but smile everyday when I put on my Christmas bell bracelets and I turn on my Christmas lights. Its just a great time of year and I love it. =D
- Okay, enough chit chat. Without further ado, here are my thoughts on the fusion of medicine and technology. How relative to the holiday season. < /sarcasm > hahaha

Will we eventually take care of all our health issues online? Will medicine and technology fuse together?

I think we are already headed in that direction. The main goal of technology has been to make our lives easier, proven with the combining of products, such as MP3 players and cameras, into one all-around device like a BlackBerry or iPhone. It just seems logical that technology will continue to branch into all parts of our lives, including our medical and health issues.

The internet has already started in that direction with the creation of WebMD, an online medical information website, which allows viewers to see different medical topics and search based on symptoms, among other things. The success of WebMD shows that people are looking for convenience; they would rather look online for diagnoses than actually visit a physician/doctor.

Some examples of medicine and technology fusing together are bionic legs that are controlled by a joystick and artificially grown lungs. Giving paraplegics the ability to walk again is an extraordinary development with the advancement of technology, as is the ability to grow artificial organs for possible human use. These developments are major breakthroughs in their respective fields, all possible because of the medical field merging with the technological field.

This “fusion” of the two fields can be seen as only the beginning. Ideas only dreamt about in previous decades can now be seen as possible. Robotic arms for amputees? Artificially grown organs for patients in need of new one? Genetically engineered anti-viruses to fight and possibly end cancer? These ideas are all possible with the binding of technology and medicine. Just as long as know where the line is and we learn from the ‘Terminator’ movies and do not let machines take precedence over human life. If society lets that happen (and hopefully not in my lifetime), then God help us all.

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Thoughts On... Second Life!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been, to quote the magician from Frosty the Snowman, "Busy, busy, busy!"

So I will continue with my continuing segment of 'My Thoughts On...' by talking about Second Life.

Is it dangerous to have a second life that is more desirable than your ordinary one? Are Second Life and other avatar-based programs a form of escapism?

I don’t think that it is dangerous to have an online second life; it is just how you use it that can be detrimental. I believe once your second life becomes your sole purpose for interaction, that is when you have crossed into grey area. People are fascinated with living different lives. A perfect example would the ever-popular videogame called “The Sims”, where you define what your character looks like, what they do during the day. Almost every possible characteristic can be defined in “The Sims”. Things like Second Life, The Sims, and World of Warcraft are all fine and dandy, but once you cannot recognize the line between the real world and the fantasy world, you've gone too far.

I definitely think Second Life and other avatar-based programs are a form of escapism. People always dream of having a better life, usually because their life in the real world has been a struggle filled with loss and failed expectations. Life is hard. People make these second lives to live the life they determined they have missed out on. In this case, a created online avatar was used as an alternate life to live out in a fabricated digital world. I am an optimist. My life so far in my twenty years on this earth has been hard, filled with pain and loss. But I have to believe that things will get better and they do get better. In my opinion, you cannot dwell in the past. You have to move on and make the best of the life that you have. A fantasy world is just that; a fantasy. These ‘second lives’ are a form of escape for people that think they have missed out on life in the real world and that all they have left is their lives in the fantasy world.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Thoughts On... News Ownership!

Who owns the news?

That is a good question. Even though I would like to believe that the mass consumer audience has a say in what is and what is not news, I tend to think that money-heavy corporations, including the likes of CNN and Fox News control the news (who am I kidding, who actually watches Fox News?!) They have a choke-hold on news distribution and present the news with a certain bias, according to their views and beliefs. Their news consists of what they deem appropriate for the mass consumer audience. Since these corporations are mainstream and recognizable, they tend to garner a large amount of viewership and traffic to their websites. It is a shame that the “big suits” control our news because they have more money and power than the rest of society. News should not be biased; not be controlled. It should be a democracy, not a dictatorship.

The case with the New York Times removing their RSS feed from an iPad application called ‘Pulse’ just shows how corporate conglomerates think they control the news, even when ironically they are actually getting free promotion and traffic to their website. The ‘Pulse’ application on the iPad was actually doing a good thing, combining news from different sources to give the user a more complete range of dynamic news. In a way, the NY Times can be perceived to be preventing readers from actually reading their news, which is an aspect of control. They believe you should actually purchase their newspaper or visit their website to get their news, instead of it being available on a 3rd party application. The NY Times main argument was that ‘Pulse’ infringed on the NY Times copyright terms of using the company’s news in a product that charges a fee for download. This is reasonable, but when you take into account that they were actually gaining more viewership and attention, they decided to pull their news from the app.

Just the fact that news costs money (i.e. paying for newspapers, paying for content on news websites, etc.) is the problem alone. News should be free and available to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Thoughts On... Piracy!

Since I've been doing blog responses for one of my other classes, someone recently pointed out to me that I should post those responses on here. What a great idea!

So, this is the beginning of a series of posts called "My Thoughts On..."!
This week. Piracy.

Should copyright be protected even in an age of streaming and online piracy?

Personally, I believe that that should be the case, although that tends to be difficult in our ever-advancing technological world. For me to fully understand the effects of piracy, I tend to put myself into the shoes of those that actually make or produce the music and/or films that are being pirated. Say you were a struggling musician. Piracy basically affects your way to earn a living, taking away part of your income. You can also look at it from the other way; that big artists or film makers already have enough money and that downloading a song or a movie won’t make a difference in the long run. It can be a double-edged sword. Looking at it from another point of view, Hollywood employs 2.5 million Americans in 50 states. These are middle class people that need their job and piracy could cause them to lose their jobs. But in regards to copyright, I believe that it is being protected pretty well already in this advanced technological age considering the amount of piracy on the internet. A prime example being YouTube; they use extensive copyright procedures and are always scouring the site to find copyright infringements and delete these videos. Being on the topic of internet videos, here is one of my favourite internet flash animations, directly related to piracy: (Don’t worry, I’m not going to Rick Roll you.) I’m not going to lie, as I have participated in piracy before. But the key question is, who hasn’t?

Does piracy create a more democratic society where anyone has access to new music and video products? I would not look at the society that piracy creates as “democratic”. It is more of a “free-for-all”, if you will, with anyone having access to new music and movies at any time, all the time. As a result, it has created a dominant and prevailing force that has taken the internet by storm. This could even be related to the news that Blockbuster in the United States has filed for bankruptcy. Online piracy of movies and television shows could be a direct result of this. People find it easier to look online for movies rather than spend money at their local video store and could cause video chains that depend on the distribution of movies to close, causing more job losses. In my eyes, that does not seem very democratic at all.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Dead Over Facebook

I guess I was just waiting for the right article to spur my anger and disgust. And now, I have found it.

It seems a baby has been killed from being shaken to death because the boy's crying interrupted the mother's game of Farmville on Facebook. Don't believe me? Read for yourself here.

Has it really come this? That we are killing our infants because their are disrupting our time on Facebook? Apparently so. This is downright disturbing to someone like me who has been born into this digital era where everything is fast and convenient. Technology should not take precedence over human life, especially your own family.

The paper also reports that she told investigators she shook the boy, smoked a cigarette to compose herself and then shook him again.

All this over a game of Farmville? You have got to be kidding me.
What is wrong with the world?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just a little patience, yeeaaahh...

Look who came back to the blog... Still pretty boring, eh?

I just hope that changes pretty soon. I'm gonna post some stuff in the near future, as soon as I find the time to, which is always the case, right?

As always, I encourage and welcome others to offer out topics on which they would like me to voice my opinion.

Just as a hint, some upcoming topics range from my favourite season to my thoughts on the Milo kid that debuted at E3 last year in reference to Xbox's Project Natal (now known as Kinect) and more recently the game that has actually being made involving him. Really creepy if you ask me, but more on that later.

Key fact: Dolphins are aggressive swimmers.


Friday, September 24, 2010

This guy is hilarious...

I've seen this video about 200 times, and I still have no idea what this guy is talking about. haha.

Also, this video seems to appeal to just about everyone. I showed this vid to my parents who never, until recently, knew what YouTube was, and they both couldn't stop laughing. Just sayin'.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wow, it has been a while...

It definitely has been a while since I've seen this web space... haha
I guess I should bring this blog back to life, fitting that it is on my birthday. =)

Nothing really to say today though I probably will soon!

I don't really feel 20 today... kinda feel still like a kid and having fun!

Peace for now.


Monday, July 12, 2010

IASC Video Blooper Reel

Finally, after a long time of putting off, the blooper video from our IASC promotional video has been finished. Check it out below.

IASC Video Blooper Reel from Kev Greene on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Quick observation...

This is just a quick little observation/rant on Brock's course selection...

IASC's course calendar suggests taking courses for the concentration in game development that seem to be absent from this year's course timetable. How am I suppose to take these courses such as 2P89 or 2P25 that they say I have to take for the concentration if they're not even available to be taken? It just doesn't make any sense... to me, at least.

***UPDATE*** July 12 @1 pm
Just got an email update from Brock, saying that if the courses are not on the timetable then they are not being offered for this session. It is pretty ridiculous that IASC has 2P89 as part of the game development concentration and it is not even available to be taken, in the year I WOULD need to take it.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This is how I learned my multiplication tables...

It just doesn't get any better than this, lol.

Schoolhouse Rock's "Multiplication Rock" helped out so much as a kid.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Change of scenery...

Hey, just a quick update. I am not dead. I am currently enjoying the summer, although still unemployed, haha. Its true, I really do miss school. Who would have ever thought?

Anyways, this is just a quick check in to say that my blog is in stages of interface changes and that I am still alive and kicking! Quick shout out to the Chicago Blackhawks! 2010 Stanley Cups champs! lol.

Stay classy, San Diego.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thoughts on School and 2008: The Year That Wasn't

I'm sitting here, supposed to be studying for my Tourism exam and I thought, "what the hell, lets do a blog post!"... So here I am.

To tell you the truth, I'm actually going to miss school. These last 8 months seem to have flown by and I'm actually going to miss my classes. I can't believe I am saying that about school. All my life, it was me saying "Oh, I can't wait for school to be done" or "I hate high school, I'm glad its over with". Truth was, I did hate high school. I wasn't part of the "in" crowd and I wasn't apart of the "out" crowd, if you will. I was stuck in between. I had a lot of acquaintances, but I didn't have any true friends, and I kind of felt alone in that packed Pickering High School. (Please god, don't let anyone from PHS read this blog, lol.) It seemed even lonelier when I was out of school, my period in between high school and university; that one year of where I was accepted into Brock University's Interactive Arts and Science program for 2008, and then all hell in my life broke loose. I won't go into specifics as some parts are really personal, but I ended up dropping University, and decided to work for the year and deal with some personal issues, and try again at Brock for 2009.

And boy, am I glad I waited that year! I'm not a religious person, but it was like God planned it out for me, trying to rescue me from the hell that 2008 brought me and my family. The people that I have met and the friends I have made actually mean a lot to me and have made my first year in university fantastic and unforgettable. I better stop, 'cause I think I'm sounding a little feminine by talking about my feelings so much, haha.

But getting back onto school, I have never felt that way about school before; that I am actually going to miss it (except for exams, obviously). The time away from school that I experienced after high school made me realize how much I actually missed school in my life. This year at Brock has made me feel like I have actually discovered a piece of me that has been dying to be revealed almost my whole life, thats been hidden away from the world. And DAMN, that is a good thing!

Just thought I'd get that off my chest.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Signed, sealed and delivered...

Lease got signed today. Happy about that.

Movin' day is not far off... like really not far off.

No time for blogs though, its study time.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life means life, right?

This is completely out of left field, but what the hell...

Our justice system, meaning Canada's, is a flat-out joke. We offer everything to make sure offenders/criminals get off as light as possible. Look at it right now. The time just waiting for a trial is apart of the sentence given to them. Meaning, if someone got sentenced 2 years in prison, and it took 2 years for their trial to commence, their fucking already out for that time served. We are WAY too light on offenders. Life in Canada means 10 years, with parole basically. Look at the States; look at their legal system. Life over there means life, no parole. Not to mention that our "crown" attorneys look like jackasses. Look at this guy... all he's missing is the fake white wig that they wore in the 1800's and he's all set. It's the same thing with the RCMP and the stupid mountie uniform... but that's an argument for another day.

Canada is so light on their sentencing that its basically just a slap on the wrist, saying "Please don't do that again." I mean, look at all the fucking pedophiles that keep getting set free in Canada. Its almost encouraging people to commit crimes in Canada because our legal system is so light and passive. It's a joke. And it's been a joke for a long fucking time.

C'mon, life means life, doesn't it? Or am I way off base here? 'Cause I don't think I am.

I apologize if I offended anyone with my offensive languange. It's there out of anger, I'm sorry.

I have a blog?

Who knew?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bottle Update

There are 8 bottles remaining, so respond if you want one.

I have opened the box, and learned that the sent me 3 of 4 different kinds:
- Exposed - the original and "most popular" flavour
- Allure - the shitty Mangosteen flavour I tried and told you about
- Awaken - some sort of Aloe and Wheatgrass combination
- Enliven - Aloe and 12 Fruits and Vegetables

I've going to try one of the Enliven ones, as I hope that is the one with the most flavour (as it has fruits in it), and the best chance of being any good. So for those who have actually read my blog and commented, you get to have your pick of flavours, as I didn't know they were sending me a mix of kinds.

Those that haven't commented can still get a bottle as I'll bring them in on Monday into 1F00.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bottles have arrived...

The ALO bottles have arrived at my house. The shocking thing is, they sent me a huge package of 12 BOTTLES!!!!

I was only expecting like a pack of 2 or something. IT REALLY PAYS TO COMPLAIN. ahhaha


Not going home til Easter, so I'll bring 'em in next Monday. I'm gonna try one and see if it was better than the other one, and I am fairly certain its still gonna taste like crap (at least to me).

Whoever wants one, reply to this post so you can be guaranteed one of the 11 remaining bottles. You gotta leave your name though, none of this anonymous crap, if you want to try the free crappy drink. Reminder: this is not the kind I tried before... this is the ALO Exposed - their original and "most popular" drink.

Hurry before there gone!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm sorry, that title is not at all relevant... anyways, right now I'm just too mello to get angry and rant. haha
So, I'll just leave you with this:

I always wanted to make a Mentos commercial. Do you know how awesome that would be?

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hey, just a quick update on some stuff goin' down right now...
- My mom is doing great, comes home tomorrow (I guess today, it is 1:28am right now, haha), and I get to see her, which is good news
- Essay is finally finished after my printer fiasco, that had me really stressed about. Thank god, 'cause I'm absolutely fed up with it.
- I guess thats all for now... I thought there was more... huh.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shouldn't I be writing an essay?! haha

Just so you know, Barry, I didn't make this photo. Found it here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Just for those who have been asking, my Mom's surgery went well. She's still a little out of it but thats just from coming out of the surgery. I have talked to her, and she sounded great, and was even making jokes. She said she would be there for only a couple more days, which is good news.

Thanks to all who gave their support. My family and I appreciate it.


It doesn't get any sadder than this...

"Would you pay a beautiful girl to play Halo with you?"... That's the opening sentence of this article on IGN that details a new service being launched called 'GameCrush', that let's you pay $8.25 to play one game session with an attractive girl. You can actually browse through these girls' profiles and chat with them. Guys are called "Players" and the girls are called "PlayDates", and these "PlayDates" can set their gaming mood to "flirty" or "dirty"...

They said they modelled the price after what it costs to buy a girl a drink at a bar... unbelievable.
This is pathetic. Its turning women into sex objects, to be leered at... how sad can this get? Am I the only one here that finds this degrading, objectionable and shallow? Don't girls already play on Xbox LIVE? What about them? Is this only for the "beautiful" women? This is like a glorified phone sex service, without the phone sex. haha...

This is, by far, the stupidest idea I have ever heard for video game consoles.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Just a quick post...

Even though she doesn't read this blog, let alone even access the internet, this is just a quick post to wish my Mom all the best with her knee surgery tomorrow. I wish I could be there but if you knew my Mom, she'd be more upset that I came to see her and missed school. She'll only be there 2 days so I can see her right when she gets out.

On a more personal note, its not even fair how many times my family and I have been to hospitals in the past 2 years... but that road is a little too personal to be discussed on this Blog.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lack of Updates...

Sorry for the lack of updates, just been doing a lot of shit recently, and I will continue to 'til this Friday, due to my Film essay.

One of my next "rants" will be my thoughts on religion and I will try not to offend; it's about halfway done as its hard to put into words what I want to say.

On another note, this blog is NOT about oral fixation... If you actually had read my blog, you would know that. I only did 2 posts (out of how many?, 27?), 1 about a Clarke bar and the other about the ALO drink (from which I have not heard back from on my free bottles).

To increase interactivity, I have thought of putting in a poll on my blog, giving you the choice to pick what my next post would be about. So to do that, I would like some to comment on this post with probable ideas that they would like to see me blog about.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Animal Cruelty

Just so we're clear, these type of posts are more of rants, not so much as blogging, per se. It's me spilling my guts on a certain topic, with no real flow to what I'm saying, with parts written at different times, so everything may seem like it was pieced together.

Also, it has come to my attention that certain individual(s) want to start a "flaming storm" on this blog. Not on my watch...

Getting on with the rant...

When I was around 10, or 11, I had a baseball tournament in Sarnia. At the hotel, there was a pond with some ducks on it. To kill some time, my friends and I went down to the pond, god knows why. Being baseball players, someone suggested to throw rocks at the ducks to see who had the best accuracy. I picked up a rock and through it at one of the ducks. I hit it. And I felt so terrible and disgusted with myself for doing such a thing to a defenseless animal. From that day forward, I have been against animal cruelty or hurting animals.

But the big turning point in my life in regards to animal cruelty came in Grade 12, two years ago. My general science class was talking about habitat loss and mistreatment of animals. My teacher decided to show a film based on the treatment of baby seals and what was happening to them. It was the most barbaric thing I have ever seen in my entire life. These cute, tiny, defenseless animals were getting clubbed and their brains would be splattered all over the snow. These images will never be erased from my mind. My teacher later apologized for showing the movie, after the outrage expressed from us (the students). But that's not something you can forget.

To this day, whenever they show those Humane Society commercials with the dogs and cats in cages and the looks on their faces just kills me on the inside. I can't watch them. I can't. I feel so bad that these animals have been treated badly that I can actually get upset. Just by watching a commercial.

Animal/pet death to me is just so upsetting. Yeah, I cried at the end of Marley and Me. Just because I have gone through this situation and I can relate all too closely.

Now, I'm not one of those PETA guys who goes around heckling people who wear real fur, even though I suppose I should. I mean, if you knew what happened to that animal, you wouldn't wear fur anymore either.

But I guess to illustrate my point, you really have to be a sick human being to do harm to a defenseless animal. Do you not have a conscience? Do you have no sense of moral decency? Sometimes, I cannot understand this world that we live in. Sometimes, it seems so dark and perverse...

That's enough... I'm gonna hop off my soap box now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog posts are coming...

Just so you know, there are actual blog posts coming. I don't just plan on only blogging about ALO drinks and Clarke bars, even if they are both tremendously awful.

Its just that these things take time for me to put into words. One post coming up (SPOILER) has my views on religion and God after I read a very pretentious comment today. I mean, I've never put my views into a written form like this before so it may take some time.

I know you guys don't really care, but I feel I need to get some things out.

P.S., the Shit game is ridiculously hard, I can't get past the 4th level... haha

"If there's a cure for this, I don't want it, I don't want it..."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

ALO Bottles are a go!

ALO drink has once again responded and told me that their representive in Canada is going to send me a couple bottles (!). Don't know how long it is going to take or when it will arrive yet.

Complaining really works.
Try it out sometime.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Serbian Ninja Turtles

Thanks to Simon for turning me on to this.

I want that "BL UE" sweatshirt. That's awesome.
How that cigarette doesn't fall out of his mouth at the beginning is beyond me!
LOL @ 0:32!!!!

Thanks to my friend Pat for this one:

It's funny when he starts laughing out of no where.

ALO Drink Responds...

So my comment to ALO was actually heard. They sent me an email:

Dear Kevin,

Thank you for writing in and for trying ALO Allure. I'm truly sorry that you did not enjoy our drink. ALO Allure is a popular flavor but we of course understand that it might not be to everyone's liking...

They go on to ask me if I live in the continental US so he could ship me a couple of bottles of their "most popular flavor", the "ALO Exposed" (I hope free of charge). I told him I live in Canada and would be in trying his most popular flavour. I am awaiting his reply. He just better not charge me shipping rates...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who puts Aloe in a drink?

I am sitting here waiting for the IASC 1P00's tutorial and after having bought this so-called "exotic" drink called "ALO Allure" which features Mango, Mangosteen and Aloe (?!!).

Don't you put aloe on burns? Isn't aloe in sunscreen?

And here I am sitting thinking, "Ah, yes, I can taste the sunscreen in this drink! That's definitely something that I want to taste when I buy a drink."

I was fooled by the fancy packaging and the "allure" of the bottle.

And yes, I am going to finish this drink. Even if it tastes awful and there are big chunks of something floating around inside the bottle.

Pray for me 'cause this stuff is brutal.

*** UPDATE *** 4:32pm
I felt that I really needed to tell the company how awful the drink really is. So I sent them a comment:
"I just feel the need to tell you how horrible this drink really is. The Allure flavour tastes like sunscreen. I really feel like I deserve my $2 back after drinking this so-called "drink"."

*** UPDATE *** 5:00pm
I couldn't drink it... it was just sooooo awful. How anyone could ever drink this stuff is beyond me.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I am logged in, therefore I am.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


It's game time. Men's Hockey -- Canada vs. USA -- Gold Medal...


Friday, February 26, 2010

Just so ya know...

Just so ya know I'm not dead 'cause I haven't blogged in a while, I'm just throwing out this post quick time. I'm just enjoying good ol' reading week and the Olympics.

In a matter of roughly 50 minutes, Canada takes on Slovakia in Men's Hockey. To quote Izzy Mandelbaum from Seinfeld, "IT'S GO TIME!"


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Patience: You Know I'm Bored When...

Came across this thing and decided to try it out. It is very creepy how close some of the answers are:

1. Put your MP3 player on shuffle
2. Press "Next" for each question
3. Use the title of the song to answer the question
4. No cheating

How are you feeling today? – I Wanna Be Sedated, The Ramones
What’s your outlook on life? – Just Like Anyone, Soul Asylum
How do your friends see you? – Solitary Man, Neil Diamond
What do strangers think of you? – Day Tripper, The Beatles
What do your exes think of you? – Someday, Tommy Stinson
What is your favourite place? – Where The Streets Have No Name, U2
What is tomorrow going to be like? – Pink, Aerosmith
What is in store for this week? – I Get Around, Beach Boys
What is in store for next week? – Over The Hills And Far Away, Led Zeppelin
How is your life going? – You Don’t Understand, Sebastian Bach
What song will they play at your funeral? – The Three’s Company Theme
How does the world see you? – Please Please Me, The Beatles
Will you have a happy life? – Someone Saved My Life Tonight, Elton John
What do your friends really think of you? – The Show Must Go On, Queen
How can you make yourself happy? – Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Elton John
What is some good advice for you? – Money, Velvet Revolver
How will you be remembered? – When You Were Young, The Killers
What is your signature dancing song? – Since I’ve Been Loving You, Led Zeppelin
What is your current theme song? – Estranged, Guns N’ Roses
What does everyone else think your current theme song is? – Eclipse, Pink Floyd
What song describes your mood right now? – Dream Police, Cheap Trick
How is your love life? – You’re Crazy, Guns N’ Roses
How will your love life be in the future? – Love and Peace or Else, U2
Will you get married? – The Happiest Days of Our Lives, Pink Floyd
Will you have kids? – Ben, Michael Jackson
Are you good in school? – The Passenger, Iggy Pop
Will you be successful in life? – One In A Million, Guns N' Roses
What do you think when you get up in the morning? – Nobody Home, Pink Floyd
What is your favourite saying? – The Great Exaggerator, Soul Asylum
What song will you put as the title? – Patience, Guns N’ Roses

Opening Credits: Heartbeat City, The Cars
Waking Up: Island In The Sun, Weezer
First Day At School: My Generation, The Who
Falling In Love: (It Looks Like) I'll Never Fall In Love Again, Tom Jones
Fight Song: Out Ta Get Me, Guns N’ Roses
Breaking Up: Jailbreak, Thin Lizzy
Prom: This I Love, Guns N’ Roses
Life's OK: Funkytown, Lipps, Inc.
Mental Breakdown: The Next Episode, Dr. Dre
Driving: Afternoon Delight, Starland Vocal Band
Flashback: I Remember You, Skid Row
Getting Back Together: You Can’t Always Get What You Want, The Rolling Stones
Wedding: If You Leave, Nada Surf
Birth of Child: Gimme Sympathy, Metric
Final Battle: Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely, Backstreet Boys
Death Scene: Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Guns N' Roses
Funeral Song: Sleep Forever, Cheap Trick
End Credits: Fade To Black, Metallica

Just some quick observations:
- That's awesome that the Three's Company Theme is played at my funeral.
- It's so weird that the "falling in love" part and the Tom Jones song are practically the same.
- The one rap song on this list is the one to give me a mental breakdown.
- And if I have a kid, I ain't naming him Ben. What a rediculous name. hahaha... just kidding.

What a way to pass the time. At least Canada beat Switzerland...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Insert Meaningful Title Here

No post yet. But, like salad, there is a promise of things to come. On another note, it seems everything I say has a Seinfeld reference in embedded within... is that a bad thing? I don't think so.

I've also been told to write about the Clark Bar appearing on campus... never seen one in Canada before, only heard of it through Seinfeld... just might have to try it. (Just a salad, just a salad...)

"Someday, something of use will come of these lives that we choose."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Super Columbine Massacre RPG!"

Alright, so I looked up this so-called "game" 'Super Columbine Massacre RPG!' (do they really need an exclamation mark?!) and I am still incredibly offended by this. Even though I was only nine years old when this happened, I still find this so very disrespectful and offensive. These were real people. Real people died and their families still have to deal with that day's events for the rest of their lives. This was a real tragedy and I find it despicable that someone could actually make a "game" out of those events.

Prof. Barry Joe said 'what makes it different from war games like Call of Duty?'... even though those games are based upon historical events, the game doesn't actually portray a real soldier, a real person. The characters are made up and are not based upon any true likeness of a real person, unlike this Columbine RPG.

The creator really has to be a disturbed individual. I really can't see how anyone could actually support this game, even if it is a sociological experiment to reveal the reality in video games. It's things like this that give video games the bad rap that is present in today's societal concerns.

This so-called 'game' about Columbine has really upset me. What's next, a game about 9/11 where you hijack the plane and crash it into the WTC? I'm speechless, really speechless. I am shocked and appalled that something like this was even created.

Monday, February 8, 2010

12-year-old Arrested for Doodling

Hey, today's turned around!

To lighten the mood, I'd thought I'd post this ridiculous news story.

So, apparently, you can be arrested for drawing on a school desk. That's what happened to this 12-year-old girl in New York City when she was arrested in her school for doodling on her desk.

Read the story here.

Aren't there more important crimes that writing on a school desk? I mean, when I got in trouble for writing on a school desk, the punishment was to clean all of desks in the classroom, not get handcuffed, arrested, taken downtown and sentenced to community service.

I guess things have changed since I was in elementary school.

On another note, its stories like this that make me feel older than I really am. I mean, I look back on the '90s like it was yesterday... I was thinking about when I got my dog back in 2004, and that was 6 years ago... and it doesn't feel like its been 6 years. Where the hell did time go?

"And it's hard to hold a candle, in the cold November rain."

To Whom Actually Understand This Reference

To whom that can actually understand this reference,

I apologize for not being able to participate and formulate a question. My mind was somewhere else when it should not have been, as today has not been a good day and mercilessly, it is only half way done.

Once again, I do apologize, even if you believe it was not that big of a deal; today, to me, I feel it is. This wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just as a result of me not being myself.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Superbowl Predictions

Since I haven't got anything else to blog about at the moment, I just post my Superbowl predictions. This will be my last post til Monday.

Been a Saints fan for a while now so I got to go with the New Orleans Saints for the upset over the Indianapolis Colts, 38-35. Suck on that Manning!

"That cold black cloud is coming down..."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm officially creeped out!

The Snuggle bear is just the creepiest thing I have ever seen. I knew that this bear was bad, but when I watch this commercial, it feels like the bear is looking right at me and has evil thoughts. It's just that creepy. If you don't believe me, watch this commercial below.

I love the first comment on the Youtube page:
"throw that fucker in the drier and turn it on hi heat" LOL!
Not to mention that this "cute" Snuggle bear is also littering....

Just a great scene...

Stumbling through YouTube and found the best scene from "So I Married An Axe Murderer" with Mike Myers. The dad is best character in the movie.
"That was a little offside wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow." LOL.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Facebook problems...

Recently I've been told that I am very hard to find on Facebook. They seem to make me invisible to people trying to add me as a friend. I've looked into the matter and I now appear to be back on the list when you search my name.

So if you want to add me on Facebook, search "Kev Greene" and you'll see a picture of me and my dog (I know that's bad grammar but 'my dog and I' just doesn't sound right to me in this context). I'm not listed as "Kevin", 'cause I prefer to be called Kev. Don't ask me why.

I don't even know why I'm writing about this, as I barely use Facebook.

"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - Axl Rose

Friday, January 29, 2010

GNR at the ACC!

This show was sooooo fuckin' good. Sounded soo much better than the Hamilton show and was almost sold out. Place was packed, especially on the floor. It was so tight, that I almost got my eyes poked out by a guy with a punk mohawk. Got pretty rough at the beginning of the set when everyone surged forward towards the stage and the 2 guys fighting right beside me got pretty intense. Got pretty close to the stage, only 2 back of the rail.

Only drawback was having to wait til 11:25pm for GN'R to take the stage, especially since I got there at 8pm. By the end at 2am, my legs and back were killing me and I wasn't looking forward to the 2 hour drive back to Niagara Falls. Finally got back home at 4am but the show was definitely worth the wait.

I don't know what happened but the guy right in front of me just collapsed and passed out. It looked like he was pretty out of it, so we picked him up and carried him to rail and security took him out. Guess he couldn't hold his liquor.

Security were being dicks an threatened to take my phone even when I just used it to check the time. Got some pics and videos before that, but I can't find my USB cable for my phone so I can't upload them yet. Miraculously, my videos from the Hamilton show seemed to have come back from the dead!

I was pissed at the end of the show 'cause Axl threw a bunch of roses in the crowd. I actually caught one and then some asshole ripped the rose in half from my hand and took the top half. Whatever.

Anyways, fucking great show. Band was fantastic. I'm running out of synonyms...

Still freaking tired. I'm good for nothing today...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No time to blog today...

No time to blog.
GN'R show tonight at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kid stabs his father over PS3 game...

What is with the world nowadays???

That's the thought that runs through my head while reading this article on an 16-year-old Italian teenager who stabbed his father in the neck with a kitchen knife after an argument over a game of FIFA Soccer 2009 on the PlayStation.

I know they take soccer serious over there, but jeez! Isn't that going a little too far?

I am a big fan of irony (Seinfeld is the king of irony), and this story doesn't disappoint. The irony being this last sentence of the article:

"Mario is obsessed. He's forever playing on his PlayStation, and we bought him FIFA 2009 because we didn't want him playing violent games."

This is why I don't own a PlayStation...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blogs discuss relevant topics? WHAT?!1

I can't believe people are actually reading this thing. I'm not actually posting about relevant topics... but whatever, publicity is publicity.

So, in a way to get me to post about something relevant, I'm taking requests.

If anyone has any ideas about what they would like to see me talk about/share my thoughts on, please indulge me and comment on this post. Any topic is fair game, I'm open to anything.

But don't go all "Discuss the ethics of business and how they pertain to today's economy" like from Billy Madison... 'cause I just won't even begin to read shit like that... that is if any actually participates/comments.

So be a trooper and help me out.


GN'R @ the Copps Coliseum...

I'm not going to go into great detail but it was easily one of the best nights of my life...

Guns was on fire the whole night, the production of the show was mind-blowing and Axl can still whail. From 10:30pm to 1am, Copps was freakin' rockin'!

I had videos and pics but my STUPID phone didn't save them properly. Oh well. There's still Toronto on Thursday!

Click here for a vid of the opening song, Chinese Democracy (I'm up at the front on the left side of the center platform)

On a side note, Hamilton, you smell fuckin' awful. Really. It's brutal. I knew it was bad from when I was there last, but it has really raised it funk level.

Bring on Toronto at the ACC!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

No thoughts right now...

This kinda feels like Twitter, only without the feeling of self-importance.

My head is geared towards tomorrow's Guns N' Roses show in Hamilton at the Copps Coliseum, so no "Who am I in this great world" thoughts tonight.

So, instead of thoughts, I'll just post a funny picture. That sounds like a suitable replacement.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guy dies watching "Avatar"

Okay, so some man in Taiwan died after watching James Cameron's "Avatar". Apparently, he was "over-excited" about the film and stroked out after watching it.

Really?! If you're this excited about a movie, I can only imagine what winning the lottery would be like for that guy.

Here's a link to the story.

Guess the 3D was too much for him.

Note: If you're offended by what I'm saying, then please ignore my blog. This is my POV, deal with it.

Creation of blog...

Due to me not thinking about the world and my place in it, I have taken Barry Joe's advice and created a blog.

Yeah. I'm actually going to do it.

This blog will have my thoughts on different topics to get me thinking about the world. Everything that is said here is in my opinion, so deal with it.

Apparently, having a blog is cool... so I'll have the Fonz bless my blog, as they don't get much cooler than Fonzie.
